From the Founder

Hello, my name is Bobigene Pack. I am the Founder and President of Love in Action Outreach Ministries Inc., a 501c3, Faith-Based, Nonprofit corporation that was birthed out of Passion for God and compassion for people. I am a former owner and manager of a twenty-six-bed assisted living facility in Winston Salem North Carolina for fifteen years. I later attended Rhema Bible Training Center in Tulsa Oklahoma to prepare for Ministry. With my past assisted living experience plus this new environment, I was given an opportunity to be a vessel for Jesus. It opened several doors for me. One such open door allowed me to become the creator and facilitator of a series of motivational seminars in Tulsa that helped the underprivileged to discover, develop, maximize and market their natural God-given talent, skills, and gifts. At the same time working diligently to shine a light into one of Tulsa’s poorest communities endeavoring to fulfill a serious void in the lives and hearts of the children of two of the Salvation Army’s North Tulsa inner-city child-development centers. By providing a once a month Birthday party that would increase their self-esteem, positive outlook, faith, and hope for a brighter future. During this same time, another door opened for me to oversee a special program for shut-in seniors so they could fellowship and maintain social interaction. Fast forward, as a yielded vessel, I came to Atlanta and started an outreach ministry that has and continues to touch the lives of numerous people, many during their darkest hour of need with the life-changing power of Jesus unconditional love in action to local communities and the world.

The Call

I can still remember the call as if it were just yesterday. That still soft voice speaking to me in my spirit as I went about my daily routine, telling me to start a ministry and name it “Love in Action”. I knew in my heart it was Jesus guiding me. Therefore, as soon as time permitted, I called the local Secretary of State office to register the name, Love in Action. Low and behold, my overconfident anticipation was dampened by the news I received. I was told that the name I was trying to obtain was already taken. I was speechless. I knew I had heard from God, that He had told me plainly to start a ministry and name it Love in Action. Since God does not lie or make mistakes, this issue with the name being taken must be a huge mistake. So, I politely said to the Secretary of State agent, with all naivety and the innocence of a child, “Excuse me, ma’am. God has spoken to my heart and gave me the name; therefore, it could not have been taken. Because God cannot lie, His words are true, and they will always accomplish what He said they will do.”

There was a silent pause as if those last words somehow triggered a hidden cause. The agent’s nurturing voice broke the silence with a probing, purpose-filled question. “What type of ministry are you planning on having?” I was not sure as to what she was alluding to, so I asked, “What do you mean?” She then cautiously asked, “What are you planning on doing in your ministry?” Suddenly, a wave of peace mixed with unspeakable joy swept over me for the opportunity to share my heart. I began to put into words all the beautiful programs, activities, and services that God had placed in my heart to do that will reflect Him. Events and programs that will facilitate and showcase His unconditional love in action, His compassionate, servant’s heart, and His awesome life-changing restoration power, that will forever set this ministry apart.

I started to tell her the various services that I had envisioned for the varied segments of the community that I desired to help. She then said, “It sounds like you are going to have an outreach ministry.” “Yes,” I replied. “Therefore,” she said, “all you have to do is simply add the word ‘outreach’ to what you have, and you will still have your desired name.” From that moment on, with childlike, blind obedience, I followed Jesus joyfully as He continued to lead the way.

God gave me the name of the ministry–“Love in Action Outreach Ministries”, with a humble assignment to follow Him daily and to strive to be a living vessel for Him to work in and through so that others can see and experience Him in real-time and in real places, helping people deal with real issues through the power of His unconditional love, grace, mercy, and truth.