The reason for doing what we do is simple–Jesus. Because He is not physically walking the face of the earth today, in order to continue His plans and purpose on earth, we by choice, must become His body. Becoming His vessel of purpose on earth we are now His hands, His feet, and His mouthpiece through which He will continue to accomplish His will and purpose.

During this season of spiritual drought, the needs of people are obviously far greater than just physical as their search for fulfillment is becoming more elusive, fruitless, and void. Their hunger for inner peace will cause them to reach out. This becomes our window of opportunity to share Jesus (the Prince of Peace) as we continue to fulfill their physical needs, whatever that maybe.

Because of the above facts and urgencies, I am reminded of the scripture: “For the harvest is so plentiful and the workers so few” Luke 10:2 TLB. We at Love in Action Outreach Ministries will be among the workers to help gather in the harvest. There is a massive crop of souls ready to harvest but so few workers to help with that harvest. Sharing Jesus and the Gospel through this outreach ministry is indeed an honor and an urgent call. The clock is ticking for all of us and the handwriting is on the wall.